DIY Clarisonic facial cleanser


I first thought about starting my own blog after I unsuccessfully searched for a natural facial cleanser to use with my new Clarisonic Mia 2. I haven’t washed my face with store bought facial cleanser for about a year now and I really didn’t want to have to use the cleanser that my Clarisonic came with. After searching unsuccessfully to find someone else on the internet who used the Clarisonic with their own home-made cleanser I decided to just create my own based on cleansers that I’ve read about before. I’ve had the clarisonic for around two months now and for about a month of that I have used my own home-made cleanser followed by an all natural toner and moisturizer. First I’ll tell you about the cleanser I use.


Cleanser Ingredients:

  • Honey (1 tbsp)
  • Pure aloe vera jel (1 tbsp)
  • peppermint essential oil (2 drops)

I don’t usually make a large batch of this simply because I don’t feel like the ingredients work as well when they’ve been sitting in a container all together for awhile (Whether that is true or not I have no idea, I just like to make it right before I use it). This is also partly because Aloe vera jel is supposed to be refrigerated after opening. Anyway, right before I want to wash my face I get my ingredients out and mix them together in a small bowl. I then wet my face slightly. I don’t like it dripping wet because then the liquid drips into my eyes when I’m using the Clarisonic. I apply my facial cleanser to my entire face then get my clarisonic brush head wet with hot water, shake out a bit, then proceed to cleanse my face with it. 


Honey provides amazing benefits for the skin! It is naturally anti-microbial and hydrating for your skin. It also contains antioxidants which help rejuvenate skin. If you want to know more about the benefits of honey for your skin you can read about it here. They have a ton of info on the benefits of honey and also include other natural remedies that include honey.

Aloe Vera Jel:

Aloe Vera has many of the same benefits honey does! It is antimicrobial and provides hydration for your skin. In addition Aloe vera gel contains high quantities of vitamin C and E which help with anti-aging. If you want to know more you can find it here





9 thoughts on “DIY Clarisonic facial cleanser

  1. Excellent post. I’m about to get one and like you would rather not put store bought chemicals on my skin. I use a homemade hot cloth polish at the moment but it will be too thick for the clarisonic. Thank you, Iris.


  2. This looks like an awesome recipe. How has it worked out for you? I’m thinking of investing in a clarisonic but will need to make my own cleanser as will no longer trust my skin with anything in a bottle. Thanks!


    • It has worked really well for me. The longer I use the Clarisonic the more I learn about how and when to use it. I like to use it every couple of days rather than every day and I alternate it with the oil cleansing method, which I plan on making a post about soon. I’m so glad I invested in the Clarisonic though, and I hope you love yours if you decide to get one.


  3. This looks like an awesome recipe. How has it worked out for you? I’m thinking of investing in a clarisonic but will need to make my own cleanser as will no longer trust my skin with anything in a bottle. Thanks!


  4. Do you think it could be used with just honey? What about combining this with the oil cleansing method? Rub the oil on, use the Clarisonic, then steam the face?


    • I am actually planning on writing a post on the oil cleansing method this week, I love this method and use it often, but I have never tried using it with the Clarisonic. It actually sounds like a great idea though. The Clarisonic would massage the oil deeper into the pores to eradicate more buildup. I would just recommend cleaning your brush head with a really good cleanser or using rubbing alcohol occasionally (rinse it all off afterwards of course, you don’t want to massage rubbing alcohol into your skin!) to get all of the oil out of your brush head. I always clean my brush head really well after I use the Clarisonic. I take the head off to let each part of my Clarisonic completely dry before reattaching everything. I would love to hear how it works for you if you try using the clarisonic with the oil cleansing method! Also, watch for my post on the oil cleansing method later this week, I will try out the oil with the Clarisonic and I’ll mention your comment in the post. Thanks!


  5. Hi again. I have a Clarisonic now and just came back to your site so I could try out your recipe, only to read the comments and discover your going on the same journey as me! That is, oil cleansing/hot cloth polish and the Clarisonic. I’ve been mixing it into my routine as a combo when my skin seems really dry and it works great. I find washing the brush head after with a simple unscented soap works really well to clean it out. I’d love to know how your going. I have a blog post on it too,, I hope it’s not rude to post it here. I’m just all excited someone else is into it too!


  6. Omgeeeee you don’t how happy I am to have found this. I got my Mia 2 for Christmas I had been asking for it forever!!!!…. But then I didn’t know what to use with it cause i usually exfoliated with honey and brown sugar and then oil cleansed and I didn’t want to use the stuff it came with and am on this “natural” thing.So I was super annoyed that I couldn’t use my Mia cause it was kinda not cheap lol and my bf would always ask why I’m not using it… Anyways blah blah I’m so happy that I can use it now!!! Thank You So Much for this!!!


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